Third grade math test

Name _____________________                                        Date:_____________________

Solve the following problems

1. Which two numbers comes next?

10055 , 10105 , 10155 , _____ , ____

2. John wants a carpenter to build him a custom bookcase. He wants each shelf to hold 10 books. How many shelves does he need if he has 123 books?

A. 12      B. 14     C. 13     D. 15     

3. Look at the base-10 blocks below and tell which number it represents. Take a close look before answering!


A. 236      B. 228     C. 136     D. 128     

4. What number is the same as two hundred fourty five

A. 245      B. 255      C. 542      D. 452     

5. Fill in the missing two numbers?

941, 952,____,974 , ____

6. Which number is greater than 865 but less than 941?

A. 789      B. 941      C. 899      D. 911     

7. Which numerical expresion matches the picture?________________


A. 4 + 3      B. 12 - 4      C. 4 × 3      D. 2 × 3     

8. How many blocks of 10 can you make with 240?

A.40      B. 42      C. 24      D. 100     

9. Tell if the number on the left is less or greater than the number on the right. Replace the question mark ( ? ) with < or >

899       ?      901

1425       ?      1424

10. Which number is made up of 4 hundreds 8 tens and 4 ones

A. 4084      B. 484      C. 448      D. 844     

11. Find 2 multiplication problems that are the same as 8 + 8

12. Perform the following additions and subtractions

54678 + 45624 = ?

98765 - 97653 = ?


What is the name of a geometric figure that looks like an orange _____________

Which of the following shape could you probably use to describe the shape of your fingers?

A.Cube      B. Sphere      C. Cylinder      D. Cone     

Which of the following shape could you probably use to describe the shape of the doors in your house?

A.Cube      B. Sphere      C. Cylinder      D. rectangular prism     

14. Find 2 multiplication problems that are the same as 36 + 36

15. Write the following numbers in words

4561 ___________________________________________

3974 ___________________________________________

16. Which two circles show two-sixths (2/6) and five-sixths (5/6) of the circles shaded?


Choice #1: A and B Choice #2: B and D Choice #3: A and D Choice #4: C and D

17. Make a rectangle. Break the rectangle into 8 equal pieces. Then, shade six-eighths of the rectangle.

18. You go to a store with 3.20 dollars in your pocket. The menu is:


Fruit salad.................$2.40

Pizza slice.................$1.80


Fruit juice.................$1.90

Side of chicken wings.......$2.50

Which two items can you buy with your 3.20 dollars?

A. Hamburger and Pizza slice B. Side of chicken wings and sprite C. Pizza slice and fruit juice D. Hamburger and sprite

If you buy just a fruit salad, what is your change?_______________

19. Which math problem means the same thing as (10 + 5) + 7? ______________

A. 14 + 7      B. 15 + 6      C. 15 × 7     D. 10 + ( 12 )     

20. Problem solving skills.No calculator. No exception! In fact, no calculator should be used at all to solve this third grade math test

You 552 dollars in your pocket. You want to buy 6 scientific calculators costing each 78 dollars.

How much will the 6 calculators cost?___________

After you pay for the calculators, how much money are you left with?____________

You want to share the leftover money evenly between you and two friends. How much money each person will get?__________
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