Multiplying Similar and Dissimilar Fractions

by Mustard


Jane has 1/6 of marbles in her hand from her bag of marbles. She wants to share it with her 3 friends, but she wants the same amount as the amount in her hand to be given to each friend. How many more marbles does she need?

1/6 × 3 = N

Step 1:
One of the fractions is a whole number, so what you need to do, is to make its denominator 1. So, the fraction is now 3/1 and 3/1 is an improper fraction.

1/6 × 3/1 = N

Step 2:
Multiply numerator to numerator, and denominator to denominator.

1 × 3 = 3
6 × 1 = 6


Step 2:
Simplify the product.

3/6 = 1/2

Therefore, the answer is 1/2.

So, Jane needs 1/2 more marbles from her bag to give to her friends.

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