Basic mathematics awards and recognition

After only a year and a half around, our top-notch educational materials have already won us many awards and recognition

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Basic-mathematics was recognized by the center for technology in education (, a sub domain of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. They list only fabulous websites for the university

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Hi, I would like you to know that you're lecture has been a great help to me and my friends. Just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this. Oh, and is it wrong to say that I'm counting on you and your brain now? Much love. :)
Chelsea, Philippines

"I have just discovered your site and I fell in love with it. When I saw your photograph, I thought you are a Ghanaian. But I still believe in my heart that if you are an African-American, then Ghana is original home. I am over 50 now but I want learn basic math. How can you help me to overcome my fear for math? Sincerely
Mawutodzi Abissath, Ghana"

Thank you for creating this site!! It has been very helpful to me! I am studying to be an RN and I need to pass an entrance exam that has alot of math on it. I'm not so good at math but your site has helped me TREMENDOUSLY!! I also use it when my kids have questions on math homework!! Thank you so much!! Good luck in all your endevors. Courtney, Illinois, USA"

I recently received your website from a friend of mine. Today, will be my first step in overcoming my fear of math and gaining the necessary fundamentals. I have been very fortunate to excel in my career while teaching myself the necessary skills however I want to further my career and overcome this obstacle of failing in math. I obtained my undergrad degree in Human Services because it only required one Math. I recently started an MBA program and struggled to past my mid-term in Finance. I've decided that I will take a leave of absence so that I can get the necessary fundamentals. I've always had a love for business and I'm determine to obtain my MBA by hardwork and determination. Through the years, I've missed the basics. Where do you suggest I start? I will also make monthly donations because I think this is the answer to one of my prayers. Thanks,
Juanita Taylor, Delaware

Hi Mr Carasco:) I`m very happy that i just searched this site from google.I think you are a good teacher,and if i had such a good teacher like you in my school age,i think i would not have this chance to send you this message here.I think i need your help.My name is Lee ,now age 29,from china,simply call me Lee.i can`t find a good math book here in China,would you like to give me some choices? i nearly know nothing about math,i mean, i hope there is a book which can combine math and life things together,which meke me feel fun about math,and make me learn math better,thank you so much Mr Carasco!Forgiv me,there might be somewords i dont discribe well,but i really want learn math better :(
Lee, ShenZhen, Guangdong, China.

I just wanted to send a quick not to thank you for what you have done with this web site. I don't know what I would do without it. You have done a wonderful thing for children of all ages (adult kids too!) by creating this site and taking the time it must take you to manage it, place all of this wealth of information on it and maintain it. I am a Mom that knows nothing about math! I am terrible at it!!! I can run an office, keeping the books, doing payroll, etc. but WITH a calculator. My step father used to stand me up in the living room and drill me for what seemed like forever on multiplication and I would go to bed at night listening to an old cassette player that I had read my multi-table in to. I would wake up every time it ended and start it over. I was about 9 yrs old. I seemed to have just put up a brick wall when it comes to math and have never learned it and hate it to this day. I can pull your site up for my son and he understands it all. As you can imagine, I very much appreciate and admire you for this site! Thank you so very much from a Mom that desperately needs help with my sons 4th grade math and every year coming up too! Fortunately, he is a gifted student! :-) God Bless you and thank you!
Sincerely, Ginger Tyler Georgia

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