cost to copy 4757 pages

by Joyce
(west monroe louisiana usa)

How much does it cost to copy 4,757 pages if the cost is as following?

Pages 1-25 cost 1.00 each.
Pages 26-500 cost 50 cents each.
Pages 501-finish cost 25 cents each


The key to this problem is to know how to find the number of pages.

How many pages from pages 1-25 ?

25 - 1 + 1 = 25

So from pages 1-25, there are 25 pages.

For these pages, the cost of each page is 1 dollars.

25 × 1 = 25 dollars

How many pages from pages 26-500 ?

500 - 26 + 1 = 475

So from pages 26-500, there are 475 pages.

For these pages, the cost of each page is 50 cents or 0.50 dollar.

475 × 0.50 = 237.5 dollars

How many pages from pages 501-4757 ?

4757 - 501 + 1 = 4257

So from pages 500-4757, there are 4257 pages.

For these pages, the cost of each page is 25 cents or 0.25 dollar.

4257 × 0.25 = 1064.25 dollars

The total cost is 25 + 237.5 + 1064.25 = 1326.75 dollars

Your grandma should just buy the book!

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