Still struggling with fractions? Learn fractions with my easy to follow fractions ebook and master deep concepts of fractions once and for all

The eBook, not the hardcopy, comes with 9 sought-after FREE bonuses. This is a limited-time offer! The bonuses could disappear tomorrow without further notice. Buy today to get your hands on the FREE bonuses.


There is only one such book on this planet and this is the only book that you will ever need!

The book's success is based on a simple approach:

Logical development. You will know exactly where you are and where I want to take you. No words are wasted!

The use of strong modeling with rectangles, circles, portions of circles, and other graphs to make fractions intuitive, visual, spatial, and concrete.

Then, the quick fact or shortcut is given.

Top-notch, free resources such as fractions calculator and games at the end of each lesson to apply and practice the lesson you just learned.

There isn't a single thing that you will do not knowing why!

If you are a teacher, you absolutely need to use the illustrations given in this book to teach your students.

If you are a student, chances are that you have never seen the illustrations given in this book because many teachers think it is a waste of time.

Do yourself a favor, get the book!

Ask yourself a few important questions

  • Do you have math anxiety?
  • Do you have math phobia?
  • Do you feel like math is for smart people?
  • Do you think fraction is hard to understand?
  • Do you feel that no matter what you can never understand fractions?

If the answer is yes to any or all of the questions above, then read on:

  • Did you know that fractions are better understood with illustrations?
  • Did you know that fractions is easy to understand if you know very well your multiplication table?
  • Did you know that adding fractions is hard to understand if you do not master how to get the least common multiple?
  • Did you know it is important to understand some basic concepts in number theory before you can master fractions?

If the answer is no to any or all of the questions above, then read on:

You are not alone!

Most students who came to me before about their math problems did not realize that the aforementioned were important. After I helped them overcome their math anxiety, here are a few of their remarks

Testimonials from students I taught math

  • Excellent teaching style.

  • Excellent help.

  • This was really helpful! I now know how to solve similar problems that will be on the upcoming midterm. Thanks!

  • I appreciate how thorough you are. Thank you.

  • Jetser, thank you so much for your help. you do a good job of explaining this.

You need this book even if you have already mastered fractions. The illustrations in this book will take you to a whole different level! So if you think you know fractions, think again before leaving this site

If you are serious about learning fractions, here is what you will learn in this fractions ebook:

  1. All the essentials of number theory that are crucial in understanding fractions

  2. Avoid common pitfalls and discover every trick and strategy that will help you master fractions

  3. All lessons and concepts are fully illustrated with strong modeling to enhance and deepen understanding

  4. A brief, but very thorough introduction to fraction

  5. A good explanation of equivalent fractions

  6. Simplifying fractions using the greatest common factor

  7. Proper, improper fractions, and mixed numbers

  8. Renaming mixed numbers and improper fractions with modeling. Strongly recomended

  9. Comparing fractions using the least common multiple along with use useful tips to quickly compare fractions

  10. Adding and subtracting fractions with graphs and with the use of the least common multiple

  11. Deep understanding of multiplication of fractions. Why do we multiply the numerators and the denominators?

  12. Deep understanding of division of fractions. Why do we invert the fraction at the bottom?

  13. And much more!

You will also receive these two cool bonuses!

Bonus #1:

Become A Computer Expert In 7 Days Or Less


The essential components of PC and how each component work

Essential software you need on your PC

What to do if your computer is slow

Advanced techniques on troubleshooting your PC

And much more...

Bonus #2:

Sudoko puzzle secrets


Learn the math behind sudoku.

Construction of the sudoku puzzle revealed.

Learn how to solve sudoku puzzles with little effort.

How to properly search for the lone number.

How to eliminate the extraneous.

Using cross hatching to your advantage.

The Latin square explained.

What exactly unique grids are and how to use them.

Japanese variants untold secrets.

Sudoku history fully explained.

And much more!

You don't think you got enough bonuses. I will also throw in the following:

Bonus #3:

Buying a car


Don't go to the dealer before reading this book

Bonus #4:

Internet security tips


Don't turn on your computer before reading these tips

Bonus #5:

Ice cream maker recipes


131 old-fashioned, homemade ice maker recipe

Bonus #6:

Pizza recipes


Pizza dough, pizza sauce, and pizza recipes

Bonus #7:

Wood working


Newbie's Guide to Woodworking.Create great wooden works of art yourself in very little time

Bonus #8:

Vegetarian recipes


A collection of 125 tasty vegetarian recipes

Bonus #9:

Clean your carpet like a pro


The knowledge to get professional results at a fraction of the cost of hiring a company.

Buying a fractions ebook never tasted so good! What are you waiting for?

19.99 USD

Get started right now. Master fractions once and for all and enjoy your nine bonuses! If any of the bonuses is appealing to you, don't delay. Buy today because I am about to remove some or everything. I honestly believe I am giving away too much for just $19.99

Learn all there is to know about fractions from a math major and a certified math teacher with 4 years experience teaching in high school.

The fractions ebook along with the nine bonuses are easy to download and access. ClickBank is used as a secure authorized billing agent for your safety.

You place your order with ClickBank, who validate your credit card. Paypal/check is also accepted.

Upon successful payment you will be returned to a special page on this site to make the download of the fractions ebook and the bonuses.

The fraction ebook is a 120 pages PDF file, approx. 578.2 kb. The sudoko eBook is 60 pages PDF file, approx 370 kb. The computer expert book is 25 pages PDF file, approx 250 kb

Downloading time may vary depending upon your computer's Internet connection.

You can get all these just for 19.99 USD...

Within seconds after you download your fractions ebook, you will be well on your way to master fractions

This fractions ebook is in the Adobe PDF file format. If your computer doesn't have the Adobe Reader software,click here to install it for free.

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We regret, therefore, that once the ebook has been purchased by you, your order may not be cancelled or refunded. However, if you experience difficulty accessing or downloading the ebook, contact me as soon as possible so I can send you a link to download the ebook.

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19.99 USD

You could also buy a hard copy at Amazon. The printed hard copy is a fraction book with an ISBN number. See the cover below. I call it Illustrated Fractions for its great strength in illustrations.

If you want all the bonuses, but not the fractions ebook, click here

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