Hourly to salary calculator

A hourly to salary calculator that will help you figure out what your yearly salary or monthly salary is. The calculator is easy to use. Just read the guidelines and/or follow the examples below showing how to use it.

Guidelines to follow when using the hourly to salary calculator

1) First, enter the regular hourly rate. This could be 12 dollars per hour, 30 dollars per hour, etc... 

2) The number of hours worked is already entered in the field. Salaried people work only 40 hours per week, so you should not change the number there. In reality, salaried people may work more than 40 hours. However, they will always pay them for 40 hours.

3) Select monthly to get your monthly salary or yearly to get your yearly salary.

Examples showing how to use the hourly to salary calculator

Hourly to salary calculator

Example #1

A teacher working for a public school in the state of Massachusetts gets paid 18 dollars per hour. What is the teacher's monthly salary ? What is the teacher's yearly salary ?

Enter 18 in the box labeled  " Hourly rate " 

Enter nothing in the box labeled " Number of hours worked per week "

Choose monthly salary or yearly salary.

Hit the button labeled " Show answer "

The calculator should display 3120 for the monthly salary and the 37440 for the yearly salary.

Example #2

A store manager working for Walmart in the state of Florida gets paid 16 dollars per hour. What is the store manager's monthly salary ? What is the store manager's yearly salary ?

Enter 16 in the box labeled  " Hourly rate " 

Enter nothing in the box labeled " Number of hours worked per week "

Choose monthly salary or yearly salary.

Hit the button labeled " Show answer "

The calculator should display 2773.333333 for a monthly salary and the yearly salary is 33280.

Example #3

A man working for Burger King in New Jersey gets paid 10 dollars per hour. What is the man's monthly salary ? What is the man's yearly salary ?

Enter 10 in the box labeled  " Hourly rate " 

Enter nothing in the box labeled " Number of hours worked per week "

Choose monthly salary or yearly salary.

Hit the button labeled " Show answer "

The calculator should display 1733.333333 for a monthly salary and the yearly salary is 20800.

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