Price discount

Price discount occurs when items are sold at a reduced cost. Find out now how you can compute the discount. 

Price discount

Terms to know and formula to use when looking for the price discount

List price: Regular price of an item.

Discount: A reduction made from the regular price

Sale price: The reduced cost of an item 

Discount rate: Percent that the price is reduced

To find a sale price, use the following formulas:

Sale price = List Price − Discount

Discount = (List Price) × (Discount Rate)

A few examples showing how to find the price discount

Exercise # 1:

Find the sale price for an item that has a list price of 100 dollars and a discount rate of 25%.

Discount = (List Price) × (Discount Rate)

Discount = 100 × 25% = 100 × 0.25 = 25

Sale price = List Price - Discount Price = 100 - 25 = 75 dollars.

Exercise # 2:

Find the sale price of an item that has a list price of 24 dollars and a discount rate of 50%.

Discount = (List Price) × (Discount Rate)

Discount = 24 × 50% = 24 × 0.50 = 12

Sale Price = List Price - Discount = 24 − 12 = 12 dollars. 

Exercise # 3:

Find the sale price of an item that has a list price is 27 dollars and a discount rate of 33.33333%.

Discount = (List Price) × (Discount Rate)

Discount = 27 × 33.33333% = 27 × 0.3333333 = 8.9999999

Sale Price = List Price - Discount = 27 − 8.9999999 = 18.0000001 dollars. 

How to quickly compute the discount in your head when the discount is 10%, 20%, 25%, 50%, or 75%

Stores usually give discount that are easily to do with math

Some discount can be 10%, 20%, 25%, 50% or 75%

10%: Divide the list price by 10 to get the discount

20%: Divide the list price by 5 to get the discount

25%: Divide the list price by 4 to get the discount

50%: Divide the list price by 2 to get the discount

75%: Divide the list price by 4 then multiply by 3 to get the discount

For example, in exercise #1, the list price is 100 and the discount is 25%. 

Just divide 100 by 4 to quickly get 25 as the discount.

Take this price discount quiz to see if you can find the sale price without any problem.

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